While commonly confused with the term” bounty hunter,” a surety bond agent better describes the kind of work involved when someone stays in touch with a defendant to make sure they appear in court. In fact, the job title of bounty hunter isn’t even legal in the state of Ohio.
Surety bond agents will do everything in their best interest to confirm that the defendant knows when and where they will need to be for their scheduled court date. If the defendant does not show up in court and an absence is recorded, then the surety bond agent will start the process of tracking down the defendant. The process usually includes the surety bond agent requesting a warrant for the arrest of the defendant. This allows the agent to properly search for the defendant in a law-enforcing manner.
Why Is it Called a Surety Bail?
When someone commits a crime and is arrested, bail is posted in order to remove them from being held in jail. In cases where the bail money is far too high for the defendant – or any family members – to pay, a surety bond can be used instead. “Surety” comes from the word sure, which in this instance refers to the agent whose job it is to ensure that the defendant shows up in court. Therefore, the title as a whole relies on the core responsibilities of surety agents. It is their sole job to make sure their client is responsible and attends their hearing.
Call (614) 221-0100 today to speak with our experienced Ohio bail bondsman!
Bail vs. Surety
The best way to distinguish bail and surety has to do with the number of parties involved. In a regular bail bond, the defendant pays the court the amount of bail needed in cash. In turn, this grants them approval to be removed from the court. In a surety bond, the defendant works with both the court and bond agent. If you can’t afford to post your bail, you’ll probably have to go through a surety bond agent. Then, your agent will work with both you and the court to confirm that you’ll be present on the date of your court appearance.
Can Anyone Become a Surety Bond Agent?
No, it’s not a profession where you can easily start your career. First, you must pass the following qualifications to become a surety bond agent:
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Pass background check
- Complete a surety bail bond pre-licensing program
- Pass licensing examination within 180 days of program completion
With these qualifications, you can be confident you’re not getting the “average Joe” off the streets. At Andy Callif Bail Bonds, all of our surety agents are here to help you bounce back for the better. We’re not reality T.V. show bounty hunters that do it for fame and fortune. We truly care about our clients and their journeys. To find out more information about our team of surety bond agents, contact us today!
Our Ohio bail bondsman is available 24/7, call us (614) 221-0100!